Data Architecture Solutions, Inc.


Modeling and Simulation Capabilities

Huge algorithm toolkit to support your application

DAS has a broad familiarity with many types of models and simulations that support a wide variety of applications. This broad expertise makes DAS the perfect consultant to assist with selecting appropriate models to support a particular application. Among the techniques DAS has worked with are:

  • Probabilistic Risk Assessment
  • Event trees, fault trees, decision trees
  • Multi-Attribute Utility models
  • Best Linear Unbiased Predictors
  • Discrete Event Simulation
  • Classifiers
  • Correlation models (including a patent on a general correlation capability)
  • Detection models
  • Natural language models
  • Neural networks
  • Monte Carlo techniques including Latin Hypercube Sampling
  • Economic models (input/output models and computed general equilibrium models)
  • Automated video analysis, photogrammetry
  • Sensor data models for CBRNE agent detection, acoustic, seismic, infrasound, video, motion detection, magnetic, ground penetrating radar, meteorological, building components (HVAC, fire, elevator, physical security systems), gravitational, hyperspectral, multi-spectral, Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR), hydro-acoustic, epidemiological, environmental (e.g., chemical, pollutant, radiological), particle counters, and georeferenced data of many types

We can certainly determine the best approaches for your application given the complexity of the application and the time and resources available.

Expert Instruction and Training

Helping you use your own data

DAS provides expert instruction and training in risk management, risk assessment, and risk analysis for all levels of participants from complete beginners through experienced risk analysts. The instruction and training incorporate state-of-the-art techniques and methodologies and industry best practices as described in international standards. Instruction is usually tailored to meet the client’s specific needs and can be combined with workshops that allow the participants to actually develop their risk analyses and programs as they learn the techniques and principles underlying the choices. The courses below may be combined into a single program or taken individually. Participants will receive a certificate of completion.

Setting Up a Risk Management Program

(1-3 Day Course)

This course provides basic instruction about the risk management process and all its steps. It focuses on setting up the framework for conducting risk assessments, setting scope, and integrating risk information into decision processes. Participants will learn the steps of the risk management cycle and how risk can inform existing decision processes. The three day course goes into more detail about option development, prioritization and selection.

Risk Assessment Methodologies

(1 day – 2 week course)

This course describes different risk assessment methodologies and how to select a methodology for a particular risk assessment. The basic steps of risk assessment (risk identification, risk calculation, and risk evaluation) are described – as an overview in the 1 day course and in more detail for longer courses). In longer courses, detailed approaches to executing the methodologies (e.g. expert elicitation, modeling and simulation, threat assessment, vulnerability assessment, consequence assessment, adversary modeling, uncertainty analysis, sensitivity analysis) are covered. Participants will create their own risk analyses based on a fictional situation.

Operational Effectiveness / Vulnerabiliity Assessment

(1 day– 3 week course)

This course provides expert instruction on assessing vulnerability of facilities and targets to an adversary action. As a by-product of performing the vulnerability assessments, operational effectiveness assessments of security or detection systems are also performed. In the overview course, participants will learn the principles of operational effectiveness and vulnerability assessments. In longer courses, the instructors will go into more detail about the specific methodologies, modeling techniques, and best practices for conducting these assessments. This course is usually tailored to the specific types of operations and vulnerabilities of interest to the client.

Portfolio Analysis and Capability Prioritization

(1/2 day– 1 week course )

This course describes how to use the results of risk assessments to identify, develop, and prioritize a portfolio of capabilities that manage risk. The half day course provides an overview of gap analysis, capabilities based analyses, cost/benefit analyses, and portfolio analysis. Longer courses provide more detail about how to construct and execute these analyses.

National or Regional Level Tailored Workshops

(1 day – 4 weeks)

Why just get trained when you can accomplish useful work at the same time? With our expert instructors/consultants, we can design a course that teaches your workforce how to do various aspects of risk management and risk assessment while they actually design and execute a process for your organization, state, region, or country. The end result is an educated workforce that can continue your studies and perform future work in-house without the need for additional consultants.

Data Architecture Solutions, Inc.

10616 Brookes Reserve Rd.

Upper Marlboro, MD 20772

Phone: (301) 332-3750

Fax: (503) 218-9828

© 2021 Data Architecture Solution, Inc.