Data Architecture Solutions, Inc.

(DAS) is a small, woman-owned business headquartered in the State of Maryland in the United States.

Founded in 1988 as Interior Solutions, Inc., by Christine Streetman, the company operated profitably as a small consulting company until 2007. In 2007 the name was changed to Data Architecture Solutions, Inc. to reflect its new mission and focus.

DAS has been a valued partner for the U.S. Government as well as private industry in fields as diverse as sensor integration, terrorism risk assessment, systems engineering, seed genetic development, and stock/bond analysis. We provide world class analysis, modeling, simulation, and data architecture.

Steven S. Streetman

M.S. in Applied Mathematics

DAS is led by its President, Steven S. Streetman. Steve has over 37 years of experience in analysis, data structuring, modeling design, and sensor integration. He has led the design and development of many complex modeling architectures and has a patent for an arbitrary method for integrating sensors or models. Steve has a M.S. in Applied Mathematics from UMBC and a B.A. from Dartmouth College in Music modified with Mathematics.

Highlights of Steve’s 33 year career include:

  • A methodology patent for sensor integration
  • Development of the CBRN sensor system at the Pentagon
  • Leadership roles in numerous terrorism and security risk analyses
  • Principal author of IAEA nuclear security series documents and course material
  • Integration of over 30 different sensor phenomenology types into a common framework
  • Development of integrated, cross-crop modeling approaches for plant breeding decision support

Steve has publications on sensor integration, risk analysis, and data interoperability. He has been a board member for the Emergency Interoperability Consortium and is a member of the Society for Risk Analysis. He also has past memberships in the Security Analysis and Risk Management Association (SARMA), the Military Operations Research Society (MORS) and has been certified as a Cryptanalyst and a Computer Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).


“Assessing the Likelihood of Nuclear Terrorism Events”, presentation at the International Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) Conference, February, 2014.

“The Art of the Possible in Validating Models of Adversary Behavior for Extreme Terrorist Acts”, invited presentation at the First Conference on Validating Models of Adversary Behaviors, June 2013.

“Ensuring Consistency in Risk Analysis Event Trees and Consequences”, poster presentation at the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting, December, 2011.

“From Calculations to Results to Decisions: How a Risk Architecture Approach Supports Decision Making at the Domestic Nuclear Detection Office (DNDO)”, symposium presentation at the Society for Risk Analysis (SRA) Annual Meeting, December, 2011.

“Risk Assessment Methodologies for Decision-Makers”, plenary presentation at the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism (GiCNT) Workshop, March, 2010.

“A Comprehensive Methodology for Evaluating the Effectiveness of CBRN Protection Systems”, presented at the Chemical and Biological Information Systems (CBIS) conference, January, 2007.

“Chem-Bio Protection without Chem-Bio Sensors: Low Cost, Dual Use, Alternative Sensor and Information Architectures”, presented at the Chemical and Biological Information Systems (CBIS) conference, October 24, 2005

“Understanding the Challenges and Requirements for Implementing a CBRN Detection and Early Warning System in Rail Station Complexes,” presented at Rail & Bus Transportation Security Summit, May 23-25, 2005.

“Data Integrator for Ground Sensors (DIGS),” (co-authors, C.D. Carleton, R.G. Hamrick, M.M. McGarvey), [4743-66] in Unattended Ground Sensor Technologies and Applications IV, Edward M. Carapezza, Editor, Proceedings of SPIE Vol. 4743, page numbers (313-31).

“A Concept of Operations for Using Sensors in Collective Protection,” presented at COLPRO 2002, October 29-31, 2002.

“An Operational Sensor Integration, Analysis, Predictive Modeling, and Response Component for CBRN Battle Management,” submitted to The First Joint Conference on Battle Management for Nuclear, Chemical, Biological and Radiological Defense, November 4-8, 2002.


“Method and Device for Event Detection Utilizing Data From a Multiplicity of Sensor Sources,” Nixon Peabody Reference, Patent No. 6525658, February 2003.

Data Architecture Solutions, Inc.

10616 Brookes Reserve Rd.

Upper Marlboro, MD 20772

Phone: (301) 332-3750

Fax: (503) 218-9828

© 2021 Data Architecture Solution, Inc.